There are a lot of things I wish I had asked before I applied for university. It’s a hard choice, especially if you’re graduating from high school soon and you’re still wondering where to apply and what to do. As...
One of the best parts of running business education programs is meeting the amazing people that choose to better themselves through them. Since 2005, we’ve had the privilege to be introduced to many leaders from all walks of life and...
What do you think of when you hear about entrepreneurship? If recent years have been anything to go by, entrepreneurship is continuously expanding – with more innovation and more roles in start-ups than ever before. Together with it, we’re growing...
42 students are attending the Solar Decathlon 21/22 competition this year, in Wuppertal, Germany to present the EFdeN VATRA prototype, a new model of sustainable living that facilitates forming of communities, inspired by the Romanian “vatra”. In order to represent...
Ethics is and always has been debated, especially due to its subjective aspect. There are numerous laws that try to approach all aspects of ethics in various fields. But are they enough? Is there a field that is completely covered...
Public Relations or, as many of us call it, ‘PR’, has lots of definitions, as it depends on who you’re asking. Some confuse it with advertising, others with marketing. Raluca Rotaru (Ene) defined what PR is to her and answered...
Lumea este într-o continuă schimbare. La fel și generațiile de oameni. Modul nostru de a gândi este complet diferit față de modul de gândire al părinților noștri, la fel și comportamentele. Cum s-a schimbat subiectul sustenabilității în timp, când generațiile...
If you’ve ever dealt with a child, you know that there comes a time in their life dreaded by parents and all others who interact with them. It’s called “the why” period. They reach that age where they are trying...
When you have a big community, such as we do at BISM, finding reasons to celebrate is, generally, easy. But you don’t hear every day that a community led by scholars from Harvard University chooses one of our lecturers as...
Setting up an interview with Sergiu Neguț isn’t easy. In between growing businesses, investing in start-ups, being a lecturer, a board member and an adviser for others and his passions of hiking and travelling, there’s not a lot of time...